In depth look at the JSON output and object description table of tencent myapp top charts API made by 42 Matters

In this article, I will clarify the object table and JSON output specifically of the 42 Matters tencent myapp top charts API. The object table represents the data structure of the API's response and the JSON output is the actual data returned by the API in a standardized format. By understanding the object table and JSON output of the 42 Matters tencent myapp top charts API, developers can more effectively utilize the data provided by the API in their own applications.

Object Table

countryThe selected country code
category_nameHuman-readable category name (in English)
app_listList of top apps as seen on Tencent MyApp
market_urlA deep link to the app page on Tencent MyApp
dateList date in format dd-mm-YYYY
limitLimit on the number of apps to return per page
number_resultsTotal number of apps in this list
has_nextFlag indicating if there is a next page available
pageCurrent page
num_pagesNumber of pages based on the given limit parameter
  1. country: a string representing the selected country code

  2. category_name: a string containing the human-readable name of the category in English

  3. app_list: a list of top apps as seen on Tencent MyApp

  4. market_url: a deep link to the app page on Tencent MyApp

  5. package_name: a string representing the package name of the app

  6. date: a string in the format dd-mm-YYYY representing the date of the app list

  7. limit: an integer representing the limit on the number of apps to return per page

  8. number_results: an integer representing the total number of apps in the list

  9. has_next: a boolean flag indicating if there is a next page available

  10. page: an integer representing the current page

  11. num_pages: an integer representing the number of pages based on the given limit parameter

The information in the table is useful because it provides developers with a detailed understanding of the structure and content of the data returned by the 42 Matters tencent myapp top charts API. With this understanding, developers can more effectively utilize the data provided by the API in their own applications. For example, the "country" and "category_name" objects allow developers to filter the results by specific countries and categories, while the "app_list", "market_url", and "package_name" objects provide developers with access to information about the top apps. Additionally, the "limit", "number_results", "has_next", "page", and "num_pages" objects allow developers to paginate through the results and retrieve a specific number of results per page. This information is crucial for developers who want to effectively work with the data provided by the API.

JSON REST output

This JSON output represents the top apps in China as seen on Tencent MyApp on October 19th, 2022. There are a total of 86 apps in this list, and the results are limited to 10 apps per page. The first page of results is currently being displayed, and there are a total of 9 pages based on the limit parameter. The app list is an array of objects, with each object containing a market URL and package name for a specific app. The market URL is a deep link to the app's page on Tencent MyApp, and the package name is a string representing the app's package name. The "has_next" object is a boolean flag indicating if there are additional pages of results available.

"country": "CN",
"category_name": null,
"app_list": [
"market_url": "",
": "com.tencent.mobileqq"
"market_url": "",
": ""
"market_url": "",
": ""
"market_url": "",
": ""
"market_url": "",
": "com.tencent.mtt"
"market_url": "",
": "com.quark.browser"
"market_url": "",
": "com.digitalgd.dgyss"
"market_url": "",
": "com.tencent.qqlive"
"market_url": "",
": "com.tencent.qqmusic"
"market_url": "",
": ""
"date": "19-10-2022",
"limit": 10,
"number_results": 86,
"has_next": true,
"page": 1,
"num_pages": 9


In this post, we have discussed the object table and JSON output of the 42 Matters tencent myapp top charts API. The object table provides a detailed description of the structure and content of the data returned by the API, while the JSON output is an example of the actual data returned by the API in a standardized format. By understanding the object table and JSON output, developers can more effectively utilize the data provided by the API in their own applications.


To request access to the 42 Matters tencent myapp top charts API, you can use the third party data marketplace of Worldindata. Worldindata is a platform that allows developers to discover and purchase APIs from various providers. By accessing Worldindata, you can browse through the available APIs and request access to the one you are interested in, such as the 42 Matters tencent myapp top charts API. After requesting access, the API provider will review your request and, if approved, provide you with the necessary credentials to use the API in your own applications. This process makes it convenient and easy for developers to access and utilize a wide range of data sources.