How does the Object and Description table and JSON Output of Mashvisor investment performance API function?

In this article, I will provide a clear understanding of the object table and JSON output of Mashvisor's investment performance API. For those familiar with programming, an object table is a type of data structure that represents information in rows and columns. On the other hand, JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data interchange format that is easy for humans to read and write, and easy for machines to parse and generate. Specifically, I will discuss how the object table and JSON output are structured and organized, and how they can be useful for analyzing investment performance data in real estate.

Object and Description

  1. principle_with_interest: This object represents the total amount of money borrowed for a mortgage, including both the principal and interest payments.

  2. traditional: This object is not accompanied by a description in the table, but it could refer to a traditional method of real estate investment, such as owning a rental property outright.

  3. occupancy: This object likely represents the percentage of time that a rental property is occupied by tenants.

  4. cash_flow: This object represents the amount of cash generated by a rental property after all expenses have been paid.

  5. roi (Return on Investment): This object represents the percentage return on the investment in a rental property, taking into account both income generated and expenses incurred.

  6. cap_rate (Capitalization Rate): This object represents the annual rate of return on a rental property, based on the net income generated by the property and its current market value.

  7. rental_income: This object represents the total amount of income generated by a rental property from tenant rent payments.

  8. maintenance_cost: This object represents the total cost of maintenance and repairs for a rental property.

  9. traditional_utilities: This object likely represents the cost of utilities (e.g. water, electricity, gas) for a traditional rental property.

  10. management_cost: This object represents the cost of property management services for a rental property.

  11. traditional_property_tax: This object likely represents the property tax paid on a traditional rental property.

  12. traditional_home_owner_insurance: This object likely represents the cost of insurance for a traditional rental property.

  13. cleaningFees: This object represents the cost of cleaning services for a rental property.

  14. traditional_rental_income_tax: This object likely represents the income tax paid on rental income for a traditional rental property.

  15. total_expenses: This object represents the total cost of all expenses associated with owning and maintaining a rental property.

  16. traditional_other: This object is not accompanied by a description in the table, but it could refer to other expenses associated with owning a traditional rental property.

  17. hoa_dues: This object represents the cost of homeowner association dues for a rental property.

  18. expenses_details: This object likely provides a detailed breakdown of all expenses associated with owning and maintaining a rental property.

  19. utilities: This object represents the cost of utilities (e.g. water, electricity, gas) for a rental property.

  20. expenses: This object represents the total cost of all expenses associated with owning and maintaining a rental property.

  21. etc: This object is not accompanied by a description in the table, but it could refer to other variables or data points that are not explicitly listed.

The information in the table is useful for real estate investors and professionals who want to analyze the performance of rental properties. By understanding the different objects listed in the table, investors can gain insights into the financial health of their rental properties and make informed decisions about how to optimize their returns. For example, knowing the occupancy rate can help investors identify if they need to make improvements to the property or adjust rental prices to attract more tenants. Understanding the total cost of expenses can also help investors budget and plan for future expenditures. By leveraging this information, investors can maximize their returns and make data-driven decisions about their rental properties.

Explaining the JSON

The above JSON output contains investment performance data for a rental property. The data is structured as a JSON object with two main keys: "status" and "content". The "status" key indicates whether the request to the API was successful or not. The "content" key contains the actual data, broken down into several nested keys. The "principle_with_interest" key indicates the total amount of money borrowed for a mortgage. The "traditional" key contains performance metrics for a traditional rental property, including occupancy rate, cash flow, ROI, cap rate, rental income, maintenance costs, property tax, and other expenses. Similarly, the "airbnb" key contains performance metrics for an Airbnb rental property. The "property_tax" key indicates the total amount of property tax paid for the rental property. Additionally, there is an "expenses_details" key nested within both the "traditional" and "airbnb" keys, which provides a detailed breakdown of expenses associated with owning and maintaining the rental property.

"status": "success",
"content": {
"principle_with_interest": 0,
"traditional": {
"occupancy": 93.9,
"cash_flow": 698.3238000000001,
"roi": 9.53343071672355,
"cap_rate": 9.53343071672355,
"rental_income": 1450.755,
"maintenance_cost": 73.25,
"traditional_utilities": 170,
"management_cost": 145.0755,
"traditional_property_tax": 70,
"traditional_home_owner_insurance": 91,
"cleaningFees": 0,
"traditional_rental_income_tax": 203.10570000000004,
"total_expenses": 752.4312,
"traditional_other": 0,
"hoa_dues": 0,
"expenses_details": {
"utilities": {
"expenses": {
"trash": null,
"water": null,
"cable": null,
"electricity": null,
"fuel": null
"sum": 0
"airbnb": {
"occupancy": 62.5,
"cash_flow": 1686.5176527777778,
"roi": 23.024131778536216,
"cap_rate": 23.024131778536216,
"rental_income": 2751.0100694444445,
"maintenance_cost": 73.25,
"airbnb_utilities": 170,
"management_cost": 275.10100694444446,
"airbnb_property_tax": 70,
"airbnb_home_owner_insurance": 91,
"airbnb_rental_income_tax": 385.1414097222223,
"cleaningFees": 0,
"total_expenses": 1064.4924166666667,
"airbnb_other": 0,
"hoa_dues": 0,
"expenses_details": {
"utilities": {
"expenses": {
"trash": null,
"water": null,
"cable": null,
"electricity": null,
"fuel": null
"sum": 0
"property_tax": 70

In summary

We discussed the object table and JSON output of Mashvisor's investment performance API. We described each of the objects in the table and how they relate to analyzing the performance of rental properties. We also analyzed a sample JSON output, which provides detailed information about the financial health of a rental property. By leveraging this information, real estate investors and professionals can make data-driven decisions about their rental properties, optimize their returns, and plan for future expenditures. Overall, understanding the object table and JSON output of Mashvisor's investment performance API can be a valuable tool for anyone looking to invest in real estate or optimize their existing rental properties.


It is possible to request access to Mashvisor's investment performance API through the third-party data marketplace of Worldindata. Worldindata provides a platform for accessing and analyzing data from various sources, including real estate data from Mashvisor. By requesting access to Mashvisor's investment performance API through Worldindata, users can gain access to valuable insights about the financial performance of rental properties, which can be used to make informed investment decisions. Additionally, Worldindata provides tools for visualizing and analyzing the data obtained from Mashvisor, making it easier for users to draw insights and make informed decisions. Overall, requesting access to Mashvisor's investment performance API through Worldindata can be a powerful tool for anyone interested in investing in real estate or optimizing their existing rental properties.