How do the Object table and JSON output of nearby airports API made by Aviation Edge work?
This article will provide a detailed explanation of the object table and JSON output of the Aviation Edge nearby airports API. Specifically, I will cover the different fields that are included in the object table, and how they are organized. I will also explain the structure of the JSON output, including the different objects and arrays that are used to represent the data. By the end of this article, the reader should have a clear understanding of how the object table and JSON output of this API are structured, and how they can be used to access and manipulate the data.
Objects | Description |
code | Airport IATA code |
icao | Airport ICAO code |
name | Airport name |
cityCode | IATA city code |
cityName | City name |
countryCode | 2-digit country code |
countryName | Country name |
lat | Airport latitude |
lng | Airport longitude |
timezone | Airport timezone |
type | Airport, railroad or bus station |
isRailRoad | 0 if other type |
isBusStation | 0 if other type |
distance | Distance to the requested location |
code: The IATA (International Air Transport Association) code of the airport. It's a three-letter code that uniquely identifies airports around the world.
icao: The ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) code of the airport. It's a four-letter code that uniquely identifies airports around the world.
name: The name of the airport.
cityCode: The IATA code of the city where the airport is located.
cityName: The name of the city where the airport is located.
countryCode: The 2-digit code of the country where the airport is located.
countryName: The name of the country where the airport is located.
lat: The latitude of the airport, in decimal format.
lng: The longitude of the airport, in decimal format.
timezone: The timezone of the airport
type: The type of the location, it could be airport, railroad or bus station.
isRailRoad: A Boolean value indicating if the location is a railroad station, if it's not it will be 0.
isBusStation: A Boolean value indicating if the location is a bus station, if it's not it will be 0.
distance: the distance from the requested location to the airport, in kilometers.
The information in the table is useful for a variety of purposes related to aviation and travel. The IATA and ICAO codes are essential for identifying and locating airports, as they are used by airlines, travel agencies, and other industry stakeholders. The name, city name, country name, lat, and lng provides the location of the airport which can be used for mapping and navigation. The timezone information allows for easy scheduling and coordinating of flights and other activities. The type of location is important for knowing the type of transportation available, and whether it is an airport, a railroad station, or a bus station. The distance from the requested location could be useful for trip planning, determining proximity of airports to a certain location, and for calculating travel time and costs. All these information helps people to plan their trip and navigate through the airports with ease.
This JSON output represents an array of two objects, each representing an airport. Each object contains several fields that provide detailed information about the airport. The first object in the array represents the "Baubau" airport, with "code" as "BUW", "icao" as "WAWB", "name" as "Baubau". The "cityCode" is "BUW" and "cityName" is "Baubau" which are located in the country of "Indonesia", which is represented by "countryCode" as "ID" and "countryName" as "Indonesia". The "lat" and "lng" fields provide the latitude and longitude of the airport, respectively, in decimal format. The timezone of the airport is "Asia/Makassar", and the type of location is "airport". The "isRailRoad" and "isBusStation" fields have a value of 0, indicating that the location is not a railway or bus station. The "distance" field has a value of 0, indicating that the location is the same as the requested location. The second object represents the "Sugimanuru" airport, with "code" as "RAQ" and "icao" as "WAWR" and "name" as "Sugimanuru". The "cityCode" is "RAQ" and "cityName" is "Raha" which are located in the country of "Indonesia", which is represented by "countryCode" as "ID" and "countryName" as "Indonesia". The "lat" and "lng" fields provide the latitude and longitude of the airport, respectively, in decimal format. The timezone of the airport is "Asia/Makassar", and the type of location is "airport". The "isRailRoad" and "isBusStation" fields have a value of 0, indicating that the location is not a railway or bus station. The "distance" field has a value of 61404, indicating the distance in kilometers from the requested location to the airport.
"code": "BUW",
"icao": "WAWB",
"name": "Baubau",
"cityCode": "BUW",
"cityName": "Baubau",
"countryCode": "ID",
"countryName": "Indonesia",
"lat": -5.466667,
"lng": 122.63333,
"timezone": "Asia/Makassar",
"type": "airport",
"isRailRoad": 0,
"isBusStation": 0, "distance": 0 },
"code": "RAQ",
"icao": "WAWR",
"name": "Sugimanuru",
"cityCode": "RAQ",
"cityName": "Raha",
"countryCode": "ID",
"countryName": "Indonesia",
"lat": -4.916667,
"lng": 122.583336,
"timezone": "Asia/Makassar",
"type": "airport",
"isRailRoad": 0,
"isBusStation": 0,
"distance": 61404
Closing words
In conclusion, the Aviation Edge nearby airports API provides detailed information about airports in a structured format. The object table and JSON output of the API includes several fields that provide essential information about the airport such as IATA and ICAO codes, name, location, timezone, type of location, isRailRoad, isBusStation and distance from the requested location. All this information is useful for various purposes related to aviation and travel such as trip planning, navigation, scheduling and coordination of flights. Understanding the structure of the object table and JSON output can help developers and users to access and manipulate the data effectively.
To access the Aviation Edge nearby airports API, one can use the third-party data marketplace Worldindata. Worldindata is a platform that allows users to access a wide range of datasets and APIs, including the Aviation Edge nearby airports API. By signing up for an account on Worldindata, you can browse through the available APIs, purchase access to the ones you need, and start using them in your projects. Worldindata provides detailed documentation and support to help you understand how to use the APIs and access the data. Additionally, Worldindata also provides a pricing plan that is flexible to suit the needs of all types of users, so you can choose the plan that best fits your usage and budget.