How do the Object and Description table and JSON Output of Ambee latest air quality API function?

In this article, I will clarify the object table and JSON output of the latest air quality API from Ambee. As a programmer, you likely understand the importance of having a clear understanding of the data format and structure before beginning to work with it. In the case of the Ambee air quality API, the object table and JSON output are essential components that help to ensure the accuracy and usability of the data. By gaining a deeper understanding of these elements, you can more effectively work with the API and leverage its insights to build innovative solutions.

Object and Description of API

PM2.5Particulate matter < 2.5um (ug/m3)
PM10Particulate matter < 10um (ug/m3)
SO2Sulphur dioxide conc (ppb)
NO2Nitrogen dioxide conc (ppb)
OZONEOZONE conc (ppb)
COCarbon monoxide conc (ppm)
AQIAir quality index
updatedAtISO timestamp of event in UTC
aqiInfoBrief info about the effects of the AQI returned
  1. PM2.5: Particulate Matter with a diameter less than or equal to 2.5 micrometers. This object measures the concentration of small particles that can cause harm to human health, including lung damage and respiratory problems.

  2. PM10: Particulate Matter with a diameter less than or equal to 10 micrometers. This object measures the concentration of larger particles that can cause similar health effects as PM2.5 but are generally less harmful.

  3. SO2: Sulphur Dioxide concentration in parts per billion (ppb). This object measures the concentration of this toxic gas that can cause respiratory problems and aggravate asthma.

  4. NO2: Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in parts per billion (ppb). This object measures the concentration of this toxic gas that can cause respiratory problems, aggravate asthma, and increase the risk of respiratory infections.

  5. OZONE: Ozone concentration in parts per billion (ppb). This object measures the concentration of this gas in the air, which can cause respiratory problems, chest pain, and coughing, among other health issues.

  6. CO: Carbon Monoxide concentration in parts per million (ppm). This object measures the concentration of this poisonous gas that can cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, and in high concentrations, can lead to unconsciousness and death.

  7. AQI: Air Quality Index. This object is a numerical scale that measures the air quality in a particular location, taking into account the concentration of pollutants like PM2.5, PM10, SO2, NO2, OZONE, and CO.

  8. updatedAt: ISO timestamp of the event in UTC. This object specifies the date and time when the air quality data was last updated.

  9. aqiInfo: Brief information about the effects of the AQI returned. This object provides a summary of the air quality in a particular location based on the AQI value, including the potential health effects of breathing the air in that location.

The information in the table is useful because it provides an insight into the air quality of a particular location. By measuring the concentration of pollutants like PM2.5, PM10, SO2, NO2, OZONE, and CO, the table offers an assessment of the potential health risks associated with breathing the air in that location. The AQI, in particular, is a valuable metric that provides an easy-to-understand index of the overall air quality, allowing people to quickly assess the potential health risks associated with air pollution in a particular area. This information is especially relevant for individuals with respiratory problems, such as asthma, who are more sensitive to air pollution and need to be aware of the air quality in their surroundings. Additionally, policymakers and city planners can use this information to develop strategies to mitigate air pollution and improve public health.

JSON output explained

The JSON output is structured as an object with two key-value pairs. The "message" key has a value of "success", indicating that the request was successful. The "stations" key has an array value containing a single object. This object contains measurements of various air pollutants, including CO, NO2, OZONE, PM10, PM25, and SO2, as well as the location information for the station that provided the data. The location information includes the city, country code, division, latitude, longitude, place name, postal code, and state. Additionally, the object includes the current AQI for the station and a description of the AQI category. The "updatedAt" key provides the timestamp of the last update in ISO format. The "aqiInfo" object contains information about the pollutant with the highest concentration, including the pollutant name, concentration value, and category. Overall, this JSON output provides detailed and useful information about the air quality at a particular station in Bangalore, India.

"message": "success",
"stations": [
"CO": 1.453,
"NO2": 25.291,
"OZONE": 8.032,
"PM10": 52.24,
"PM25": 21.943,
"SO2": 1.898,
"city": "Bangalore",
"countryCode": "IN",
"division": "Bangalore",
"lat": 11.98625,
"lng": 77.550478,
"placeName": "Race course road",
"postalCode": "560020",
"state": "Karnataka",
"updatedAt": "2021-05-29T13:00:00.000Z",
"AQI": 72,
"aqiInfo": {
"pollutant": "PM2.5",
"concentration": 21.943,
"category": "Moderate"


In today's article, we discussed the object table and JSON output for the latest air quality API provided by Ambee. The object table listed the various pollutants and measurements available through the API. We also converted the table into a readable list and provided a detailed description of each pollutant. Additionally, we analyzed the JSON output provided by the API and described the key-value pairs and the information they contain. Overall, the information provided by the API is essential for individuals with respiratory problems, policymakers, and city planners, who can use this information to improve public health by taking measures to mitigate air pollution.


It is possible to request access to the Ambee latest air quality API through the third-party data marketplace of Worldindata. Worldindata is a well-known platform that provides various datasets and APIs related to different topics, including environmental data. This feature can save users a significant amount of time and effort, making it easier for them to access the air quality data they need to make informed decisions about their health and the environment.