How do the JSON output and object description table of menu item information API created by Spoonacular work?

In this article, I will provide a clear explanation of the object table and JSON output generated by the Spoonacular Menu Item Information API. As a reader with programming knowledge, you may be familiar with these concepts, but it is important to understand their specific implementation in this API. By the end of this article, you will have a solid understanding of how the API organizes and presents data in both the object table and JSON formats. This knowledge can help you to better utilize the Spoonacular Menu Item Information API for your own programming needs.

Object and Description of API

idA unique identifier for the menu item.
titleThe name or title of the menu item.
restaurantChainThe name of the restaurant chain that serves the menu item.
nutritionA dictionary object containing various nutritional information for the menu item.
nutrientsA list of dictionaries containing detailed nutrient information for the menu item.
nameThe name of a specific nutrient for which the nutritional information is provided.
amountThe amount of the nutrient present in the menu item.
unitThe unit of measurement for the nutrient information (e.g., grams, milligrams, etc.).
percentOfDailyNeedsThe percentage of a recommended daily amount of the nutrient that is present in the menu item.
caloricBreakdownA dictionary object containing information about the calorie breakdown of the menu item.
percentProteinThe percentage of protein present in the menu item.
percentFatThe percentage of fat present in the menu item.
percentCarbsThe percentage of carbohydrates present in the menu item.
badgesA list of badges or labels associated with the menu item (e.g., vegan, gluten-free, etc.).
breadcrumbsA list of the categories and subcategories in which the menu item is categorized.
generatedTextA string containing a text description or summary of the menu item.
imageTypeThe format of the image associated with the menu item (e.g., JPEG, PNG, etc.).
likesThe number of likes or positive reactions the menu item has received.
servingsThe number of servings provided by the menu item.
numberThe position of the menu item in the list of menu items.
  1. id: A unique identifier for the menu item.

  2. title: The name or title of the menu item.

  3. restaurantChain: The name of the restaurant chain that serves the menu item.

  4. nutrition: A dictionary object containing various nutritional information for the menu item.

  5. nutrients: A list of dictionaries containing detailed nutrient information for the menu item.

  6. name: The name of a specific nutrient for which the nutritional information is provided.

  7. amount: The amount of the nutrient present in the menu item.

  8. unit: The unit of measurement for the nutrient information (e.g., grams, milligrams, etc.).

  9. percentOfDailyNeeds: The percentage of a recommended daily amount of the nutrient that is present in the menu item.

  10. caloricBreakdown: A dictionary object containing information about the calorie breakdown of the menu item.

  11. percentProtein: The percentage of protein present in the menu item.

  12. percentFat: The percentage of fat present in the menu item.

  13. percentCarbs: The percentage of carbohydrates present in the menu item.

  14. badges: A list of badges or labels associated with the menu item (e.g., vegan, gluten-free, etc.).

  15. breadcrumbs: A list of the categories and subcategories in which the menu item is categorized.

  16. generatedText: A string containing a text description or summary of the menu item.

  17. imageType: The format of the image associated with the menu item (e.g., JPEG, PNG, etc.).

  18. likes: The number of likes or positive reactions the menu item has received.

  19. servings: The number of servings provided by the menu item.

  20. number: The position of the menu item in the list of menu items.

The information in the table provides a comprehensive overview of the various objects and associated information available in the Spoonacular menu item information API. This information is useful for developers who are looking to integrate this API into their own applications or software. With this information, developers can understand what data is available and how it is structured, enabling them to make informed decisions about how to use the API and extract relevant information for their specific use case. For example, a developer building a meal planning application might be interested in the nutritional information and serving sizes of menu items, while a developer building a restaurant recommendation system might be interested in the restaurant chain and likes data. By providing detailed descriptions of each object, developers can quickly identify the data points that are most relevant to their application and build the necessary functionality to extract and present that information to their users.

JSON Output

The JSON output represents the nutritional information, serving size, and other details of a menu item called "Bacon King Burger" from the restaurant chain "Burger King". The "nutrition" object contains an array of "nutrients" with details of the amount of Fat, Protein, Calories, and Carbohydrates in the burger, as well as their respective percentages of daily needs. The "caloricBreakdown" object provides the percentage of protein, fat, and carbs in the burger. The "breadcrumbs" array shows the categorization of the menu item, while the "servings" object provides information on serving size. Other information such as "badges" (if any), "generatedText", "imageType", "likes", "price", and "spoonacularScore" are also included, although some of them are empty or null. This JSON output is useful for developers who want to extract and present information about menu items from the Spoonacular API, particularly for those building applications related to nutrition or meal planning.

"id": 424571,
"title": "Bacon King Burger",
"restaurantChain": "Burger King",
"nutrition": {
"nutrients": [
"name": "Fat",
"amount": 69,
"unit": "g",
"percentOfDailyNeeds": 30
"name": "Protein",
"amount": 57,
"unit": "g",
"percentOfDailyNeeds": 35
"name": "Calories",
"amount": 1040,
"unit": "cal",
"percentOfDailyNeeds": 50
"name": "Carbohydrates",
"amount": 48,
"unit": "g",
"percentOfDailyNeeds": 35
"caloricBreakdown": {
"percentProtein": 35,
"percentFat": 30,
"percentCarbs": 35
"badges": [],
"breadcrumbs": [
"main course",
"food product category"
"generatedText": null,
"imageType": "png",
"likes": 0,
"servings": {
"number": 1,
"size": 2,
"unit": "oz"
"price": null,
"spoonacularScore": null

Final words

In today's article, we have discussed the object table and JSON output of the Spoonacular menu item information API. We first defined what an object table and JSON output are and then explored an example table and JSON output in detail. We also provided descriptions of each object in the JSON output and discussed how this information can be useful for developers who want to use the API to build food-related applications. Overall, this conversation provides a brief but informative overview of the Spoonacular menu item information API and the types of data that developers can expect to retrieve from it.


If you are looking to access the Spoonacular menu item information API, you can do so through the third party data marketplace of Worldindata. This means that you can obtain valuable nutritional and other information about various food items that can be incorporated into your applications, websites or other projects. With the help of this API, you can easily retrieve important data like a food item's nutritional value, calories, ingredients, and more. This information can help you build better food-related applications or services, and offer a more personalized and helpful experience to your users. So, if you are interested in this API, requesting access to it through Worldindata is a great place to start.