Details of the JSON output and object description table of rocket launch locations API made by Rocket Launch

In this article, I will clarify the object table of Rocket Launch's "rocket launch locations API". As a programmer, you already know that an object table is a data structure that represents data in a tabular format, with columns and rows. Similarly, JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data format used to exchange data between applications. In the context of the Rocket Launch API, the object table and JSON output provide relevant information about rocket launches such as the launch site, time, and date. By understanding the structure and format of the object table and JSON output, programmers can easily integrate this data into their applications.

Object table

  1. id: This object refers to the unique identifier of a location in the API database. It can be used to retrieve or identify specific data related to that location.

  2. name: This object refers to the name of the location or rocket launch site.

  3. latitude: This object refers to the geographic latitude of the location. It is a decimal number that indicates the north-south position of the location relative to the equator.

  4. longitude: This object refers to the geographic longitude of the location. It is a decimal number that indicates the east-west position of the location relative to the Prime Meridian.

  5. country: This object refers to the country where the location is situated. It can be used to filter or group data based on the country.

  6. state: This object refers to the state or province where the location is situated. It can be used to filter or group data based on the state.

  7. utc_offset: This object refers to the difference between the local time at the location and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), measured in hours. It can be used to convert local time to UTC or vice versa.

The information presented in the table is useful for developers and users who are interested in accessing data related to rocket launch locations. The id object provides a unique identifier for each location in the API database, which can be used to retrieve specific data related to that location. The name object gives the name of the launch site, making it easier to identify the site of interest. The latitude and longitude objects provide the exact geographic coordinates of the location, making it possible to plot the location on a map or use the data for other geographic analysis. The country and state objects allow users to filter or group data based on the location, which is particularly useful for analyzing trends or patterns in the data. Finally, the utc_offset object allows users to convert local time to UTC or vice versa, making it easier to compare launch times across different time zones. Overall, the information in the table provides a structured and organized way to access and use rocket launch location data, which can be used for a wide range of applications, from research and analysis to educational and outreach purposes.


In this article today, we discussed the object table and JSON output of Rocket Launch, a rocket launch locations API. We clarified the meaning and purpose of each object presented in the table, and how it can be used by developers and users to access and analyze rocket launch location data. We also highlighted the usefulness of this information, which ranges from research and analysis to educational and outreach purposes. By providing a structured and organized way to access and use rocket launch location data, the API can help foster a greater understanding of space exploration and promote its continued development.


It is possible to request access to the Rocket Launch rocket launch locations API through the third-party data marketplace of Worldindata. The data marketplace provides a convenient and secure way for users to access and use the API, as well as to pay for any associated costs or fees. To gain access to the API through the data marketplace, users may need to register and provide certain information, such as their contact details and intended use of the API. Once registered, users can request access to the Rocket Launch API and receive an API key, which allows them to access the API's endpoints and retrieve data related to rocket launch locations. It is recommended to check with the Worldindata data marketplace for the most up-to-date information on how to request access to the Rocket Launch API.