Details of the JSON output and object description table of historical exchange rates API made by Fixer

In this article, I will clarify the object table and JSON output of Fixer's historical exchange rates API. As a programmer, you likely know what an object table and JSON are, but it's important to understand how these concepts specifically apply to the historical exchange rate data provided by Fixer. The object table contains a row for each day in the specified date range, with columns representing each currency and the exchange rate for that day. The JSON output, on the other hand, is a nested structure that includes metadata about the request, as well as the exchange rate data organized by date and currency. By gaining a deeper understanding of these data structures, you'll be better equipped to utilize the historical exchange rate data in your programming projects.

API Object Table

successReturns true or false depending on whether or not your API request has succeeded.
historicalReturns true if a request for historical exchange rates was made.
dateReturns the date for which historical rates were requested.
timestampReturns the exact date and time (UNIX time stamp) the given rates were collected.
baseReturns the three-letter currency code of the base currency used for this request.
ratesReturns exchange rate data for the currencies you have requested.
  • success: This object returns a boolean value that indicates whether or not the API request was successful. If the request was successful, success will be true; if not, it will be false.

  • historical: This object returns a boolean value that indicates whether or not the API request was for historical exchange rates. If the request was for historical rates, historical will be true; if not, it will be false.

  • date: This object returns the date for which historical exchange rates were requested. The date format is YYYY-MM-DD.

  • timestamp: This object returns the exact date and time that the exchange rates were collected, represented as a UNIX timestamp.

  • base: This object returns the three-letter currency code of the base currency that was used for the request. The base currency is the currency against which all other exchange rates are quoted.

  • rates: This object returns exchange rate data for the currencies that were requested. The exchange rate data is returned as key-value pairs, where the keys are three-letter currency codes and the values are the exchange rates relative to the base currency.

The information in the table is useful because it provides a clear understanding of the different objects that are returned in the response of Fixer's historical exchange rates API. By understanding the properties of each object, programmers can effectively use the API to retrieve and analyze historical exchange rate data for a wide range of currencies. For example, by utilizing the success object, developers can quickly determine if the API request was successful or not, and take appropriate action based on the response. The date and timestamp objects provide information about when the exchange rate data was collected, which can be important when analyzing trends over time. The base and rates objects contain currency codes and exchange rate data that can be used for various financial calculations and data visualizations. Overall, understanding the different objects that are returned by the API can help developers build more effective financial applications that rely on historical exchange rate data.

Clarifying JSON output

"success": true,
"historical": true,
"date": "2013-12-24",
"timestamp": 1387929599,
"base": "GBP",
"rates": {
"USD": 1.636492,
"EUR": 1.196476,
"CAD": 1.739516

Closing up

Today, we discussed the object table and JSON output provided by the Fixer historical exchange rates API. The table provided a clear overview of the different objects that are included in the API response and their respective descriptions. Meanwhile, the JSON output example provided a practical illustration of how the objects are structured and can be utilized. Understanding this information is essential for developers looking to effectively use the API and retrieve historical exchange rate data for various currencies. By leveraging the objects provided by the API, developers can build more effective financial applications that rely on historical exchange rate data.


Worldindata offers access to the Fixer historical exchange rates API through its third-party data marketplace. This means that individuals or organizations who are interested in using the API can request access through the Worldindata platform. By requesting access through Worldindata, users can gain access to a wealth of historical exchange rate data for a wide range of currencies, including the ability to convert between currencies and retrieve exchange rate data for specific dates. The platform also provides various tools and resources that can be used to analyze and visualize the data. Overall, requesting access to the Fixer historical exchange rates API through Worldindata can be a convenient and effective way to access reliable and comprehensive historical exchange rate data.