Clarification of the Object table and JSON output of city and airport autocomplete API created by Aviation Edge

In this article, I will clarify the object table and JSON output specifically of the Aviation Edge city and airport autocomplete API. The object table is the structure that organizes the data returned by the API, with specific keys and values for each element of information. The JSON output is the format in which the data is returned, using a standardized syntax for representing key-value pairs. Understanding the object table and JSON output of the Aviation Edge city and airport autocomplete API is essential for effectively working with the data and extracting the information you need.


codeAirport or city IATA code
nameAirport or city name
cityCodeCity IATA code
cityNameCity name
countryCodeCountry 2-digit code
countryNameCountry name
latAirport or city latitude
lngAirport or city longitude
timezoneAirport or city timezone
typeCity or airport
  1. code: The IATA code for the airport or city, which is a unique identifier for the location. It is a 3-letter code that is used for identifying the location in the aviation industry.

  2. name: The name of the airport or city.

  3. cityCode: The IATA code for the city in which the airport or city is located.

  4. cityName: The name of the city in which the airport or city is located.

  5. countryCode: The 2-digit code for the country in which the airport or city is located.

  6. countryName: The name of the country in which the airport or city is located.

  7. lat: The latitude of the airport or city, which is a measure of its location on the earth's surface, measured in degrees north or south of the equator.

  8. lng: The longitude of the airport or city, which is a measure of its location on the earth's surface, measured in degrees east or west of the Prime Meridian.

  9. timezone: The time zone of the airport or city, which indicates the standard time used by the location.

  10. type: Indicates whether the location is a city or airport.

The information in the table is useful for a variety of purposes. For example, the code and name fields provide a unique identifier and a human-readable name for the location, which can be useful for displaying information to users or for searching for a specific location. The cityCode and cityName fields provide information about the city in which the location is located, which can be useful for grouping locations by city or for providing additional context about the location. The countryCode and countryName fields provide information about the country in which the location is located, which can be useful for grouping locations by country or for providing additional context about the location. The lat and lng fields provide information about the location's coordinates, which can be useful for displaying the location on a map or for calculating the distance between locations. The timezone field provides information about the location's time zone, which can be useful for scheduling or for displaying the current time at the location. Finally, the type field provides information about whether the location is a city or airport, which can be useful for differentiating between the two types of locations. All of this information can be used to build a search engine, flight schedule app, or any other application that needs to use airport and city information.


This JSON output represents a list of objects, containing information about cities and airports. The list contains three main objects: "countries", "citiesByCountries", "airportsByCountries" which are all set to null. The "cities" object contains an array of objects, each object representing a city with the following information: code, name, cityCode, cityName, countryCode, countryName, lat, lng, timezone, and type. The "airports" object contains an array of objects, each object representing an airport with the following information: code, name, cityCode, cityName, countryCode, countryName, lat, lng, timezone, type, isRailRoad, isBusStation. The "airportsByCities" object contains an array of objects, but it is empty at the end of this JSON output.

"countries": null,
"citiesByCountries": null,
"airportsByCountries": null, "cities":
"code": "AMS",
"name": "Amsterdam",
"cityCode": "AMS",
"cityName": "Amsterdam",
"countryCode": "NL",
"countryName": "Netherlands",
"lat": 52.3730556, "lng": 4.8922222,
"timezone": "Europe/Amsterdam",
"type": "city" } ],
"code": "ZYA",
"name": "Amsterdam Centraal Railway Station",
"cityCode": "AMS",
"cityName": "Amsterdam",
"countryCode": "NL",
"countryName": "Netherlands",
"lat": 52.3730556,
"lng": 4.8922222,
"timezone": "Europe/Amsterdam",
"type": "rail_station",
"isRailRoad": 1,
"isBusStation": 0 },
"code": "AMS",
"name": "Schiphol",
"cityCode": "AMS",
"cityName": "Amsterdam",
"countryCode": "NL",
"countryName": "Netherlands",
"lat": 52.30907,
"lng": 4.763385,
"timezone": "Europe/Amsterdam",
"type": "airport",
"isRailRoad": 0,
"isBusStation": 0 } ],


In this post, we have covered the object table and JSON output of the Aviation Edge city and airport autocomplete API. We have discussed how the object table organizes the data returned by the API and how the JSON output represents the data in a standardized format. We also described the specific objects included in the API's output, such as the airport or city code, name, city code, city name, country code, country name, latitude, longitude, timezone, and type. We also provided an example of the JSON output and explained the meaning of each field. This information can be useful for anyone looking to work with the data provided by the Aviation Edge city and airport autocomplete API to build a search engine, flight schedule app, or any other application that needs to use airport and city information.


The Aviation Edge city and airport autocomplete API is a data set that can be accessed through Worldindata. Worldindata is a third-party data marketplace that provides access to a variety of data sets, including the Aviation Edge city and airport autocomplete API. In order to access the data provided by the API, you will need to sign up for an account with Worldindata and request access to the Aviation Edge city and airport autocomplete API. Once you have been granted access, you will be able to use the API to retrieve information about cities and airports, as described in this conversation. The process of requesting access to the API through Worldindata is easy and simple, you just need to follow the instruction on the platform and you will be able to get access.