An in-depth look at the JSON output and object description table of airlines API created by Aviation Edge

In this article, I will provide a clear explanation of the object table and JSON output specifically for the Aviation Edge airlines API. The API returns a wealth of information about airlines, including flight schedules, routes, and aircraft data. The object table is a structured representation of the data returned by the API, while the JSON output is a text-based format that can be easily parsed and used in a variety of programming languages. I will delve into the specifics of each format and demonstrate how to effectively utilize them to extract the information you need from the API.

Object table

airlineIdAirline ID in our database
nameAirlineAirline name
codeIataAirlineAirline IATA code
iataPrefixAccountingIATA prefix number
codeIcaoAirlineAirline ICAO code
typeScheduled, cargo, etc.
statusAirlineActive, closed, etc.
sizeAirlineAirline fleet size
ageFleetAirline fleet age
foundingFounding year
codeHubHub code
nameCountryCountry of origin name
codeIso2CountryCountry of origin 2-digit code
  1. airlineId: This object represents the unique identifier of the airline in the Aviation Edge database. It is a numerical value that can be used to look up specific information about an airline.

  2. nameAirline: This object contains the name of the airline. It is a string value that can be used to identify the airline.

  3. codeIataAirline: This object contains the IATA (International Air Transport Association) code of the airline. It is a two to three letter code that is used to identify the airline.

  4. iataPrefixAccounting: This object contains the IATA prefix number of the airline. It is a numerical value that is used to identify the airline in financial transactions.

  5. codeIcaoAirline: This object contains the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) code of the airline. It is a four letter code that is used to identify the airline.

  6. callsign: This object contains the callsign of the airline. It is a string value that is used to identify the airline in radio communication.

  7. type: This object represents the type of the airline. It is a string value that can be "Scheduled" or "cargo" or "others" etc.

  8. statusAirline: This object represents the status of the airline. It is a string value that can be "Active", "closed" or "others" etc.

  9. sizeAirline: This object represents the fleet size of the airline. It is a numerical value that denotes the number of aircrafts the airline has.

  10. ageFleet: This object represents the average age of the fleet of the airline. It is a numerical value that denotes the average age of the aircrafts the airline has.

  11. founding: This object represents the founding year of the airline. It is a numerical value that denotes the year the airline was established.

  12. codeHub: This object represents the hub code of the airline. It is a string value that denotes the code for the hub airport.

  13. nameCountry: This object contains the name of the country of origin of the airline. It is a string value that can be used to identify the country of origin.

  14. codeIso2Country: This object contains the ISO 2-digit code of the country of origin of the airline. It is a two letter code that can be used to identify the country of origin.

The information in the table is useful because it provides detailed information about an airline that can be used for a variety of purposes. For example, the airlineId object can be used to look up specific information about an airline in the Aviation Edge database. The nameAirline and codeIataAirline objects can be used to identify and locate an airline. The iataPrefixAccounting object can be used for financial transactions. The codeIcaoAirline and callsign objects are used for identification and communication respectively. The type and statusAirline objects provide information about the type and status of the airline. The sizeAirline, ageFleet, founding, codeHub, nameCountry, and codeIso2Country objects provide information about the airline's fleet, establishment, hub, and country of origin. All of these pieces of information can be used to build a comprehensive picture of an airline and make informed decisions.

Clarifying JSON output

This JSON output provides a detailed information about an airline, American Airlines, including its unique identifier, name, codes, callsign, type, status, fleet size and age, founding year, hub and country of origin.

"airlineId": "1",
"nameAirline": "American Airlines",
"codeIataAirline": "AA",
"iataPrefixAccounting": "1",
"codeIcaoAirline": "AAL",
"callsign": "AMERICAN",
"type": "scheduled",
"statusAirline": "active",
"sizeAirline": "963",
"ageFleet": "10.9",
"founding": "1934",
"codeHub": "DFW",
"nameCountry": "United States",
"codeIso2Country": "US"


In conclusion, the information provided in this article describes the data structure of the object table and JSON output for the Aviation Edge airlines API. The object table is a structured representation of the data returned by the API, while the JSON output is a text-based format that can be easily parsed and used in a variety of programming languages. The information in the table and JSON output include details such as the unique identifier, name, codes, callsign, type, status, fleet size and age, founding year, hub and country of origin of an airline. This information can be used to build a comprehensive picture of an airline and make informed decisions.


The Aviation Edge airlines API is a service that provides information about airlines, including flight schedules, routes, and aircraft data. Access to the API can be requested through the third party data marketplace of Worldindata. Worldindata is a data marketplace that provides access to various data sources, including the Aviation Edge airlines API. By signing up and subscribing to the API through Worldindata, you can gain access to the data provided by the Aviation Edge airlines API and use it in your application or analysis. Worldindata also provides other useful features such as documentation, sample code, and support to help you get started with the API.