How does the JSON output and object description table of app review analysis for ios API made by 42 Matters function?

In this article, I will clarify the object table and JSON output of 42 Matters app review analysis for iOS API. Specifically, I will explain the structure and contents of the object table and describe the format and organization of the JSON output. By the end of this article, readers will have a clear understanding of the object table and JSON output provided by the 42 Matters API.

Object and description table

artworkUrl100Icon image with 100px square sizes
artworkUrl512Icon image with 512px square sizes
averageUserRatingThe average rating of the app for all versions (from 0 to 5, 5 highest)
bundleIdUnique identifier for the app assigned by the developer
formattedPricePrice and currency of the app
sellerNameSeller company name (developer name)
trackCensoredNameApp title
trackIdNumeric unique identifier for the app assigned by Apple
userRatingCountNumber of ratings of the app for all versions
topicsSorted list of reviews objects in the response. Each reviews contains: topic_id, topic_name, reviews, reviews_percentage, average_rating, positive and negative fields.
  1. artworkUrl100: This object represents the icon image of the app with dimensions of 100px square.

  2. artworkUrl512: This object represents the icon image of the app with dimensions of 512px square.

  3. averageUserRating: This object contains the average rating of the app for all versions, with a range from 0 to 5 (5 being the highest).

  4. bundleId: This object contains the unique identifier for the app that has been assigned by the developer.

  5. formattedPrice: This object contains the price and currency of the app.

  6. sellerName: This object contains the company name of the seller (developer) of the app.

  7. trackCensoredName: This object contains the title of the app.

  8. trackId: This object contains the numeric unique identifier for the app that has been assigned by Apple.

  9. userRatingCount: This object contains the number of ratings the app has received for all versions.

  10. market_source

  11. market_status

  12. topics: This object contains a sorted list of review objects in the response. Each review object includes the following fields: topic_id, topic_name, reviews, reviews_percentage, average_rating, positive, and negative.

  13. positive

  14. topic_name

  15. negative

  16. reviews

  17. average_rating

  18. topic_id

  19. reviews_percentage

The information in the table is useful for a number of reasons. First, the artworkUrl100 and artworkUrl512 objects allow developers to easily access and display the icon images of the app with different sizes. The averageUserRating object provides a summary of the overall rating of the app, which can be useful for users who are considering downloading the app. The bundleId and trackId objects provide unique identifiers for the app that can be used to track and manage the app within the app store. The formattedPrice object indicates the price of the app, which can be helpful for users who are budget-conscious. The sellerName object provides the company name of the app developer, which can be useful for users who prefer to download apps from certain developers. The trackCensoredName object gives the title of the app, which is essential for users to identify and distinguish the app from others. The userRatingCount object gives the number of ratings the app has received, which can be a useful indicator of the app's popularity. Finally, the topics object and its subfields provide a detailed breakdown of reviews for the app, including the average rating and positive and negative reviews for specific topics. This information can be useful for developers to understand user feedback and improve the app.

JSON output

This JSON output contains information about an app available on the iTunes app store. The artworkUrl100 and artworkUrl512 objects contain URLs to the icon images of the app with dimensions of 100px square and 512px square, respectively. The averageUserRating object contains the average rating of the app for all versions, with a value of 4.49884. The bundleId object contains the unique identifier for the app assigned by the developer, which is "com.mojang.minecraftpe". The formattedPrice object contains the price and currency of the app, which is "$6.99". The sellerName object contains the company name of the app developer, which is "Mojang AB". The trackCensoredName object contains the title of the app, which is "Minecraft". The trackId object contains the numeric unique identifier for the app assigned by Apple, which is 479516143. The userRatingCount object contains the number of ratings the app has received for all versions, which is 559607. The market_source object indicates that the app is available on iTunes. The market_status object indicates that the app is published. The topics object contains an array of objects, each representing a review topic for the app. Each object includes the following fields: positive, topic_name, negative, reviews, average_rating, topic_id, and reviews_percentage. The positive and negative fields contain the percentage of positive and negative reviews for the topic, respectively. The topic_name field contains the name of the review topic. The reviews field contains the number of reviews for the topic. The average_rating field contains the average rating for the topic. The topic_id field contains the unique identifier for the review topic. The reviews_percentage field contains the percentage of reviews for the topic out of the total number of reviews.

"artworkUrl100": "",
": "",
": 4.49884,
"bundleId": "com.mojang.minecraftpe",
"formattedPrice": "$6.99",
"sellerName": "Mojang AB",
"trackCensoredName": "Minecraft",
"trackId": 479516143,
"userRatingCount": 559607,
"market_source": "ITUNES",
"market_status": "PUBLISHED",
"topics": [
"positive": 0.6967584469463343,
"topic_name": "Update",
"negative": 0.30324155305366574,
"reviews": 38212,
"average_rating": 3.9591227886527793,
"topic_id": "update",
"reviews_percentage": 0.28336880510793555
"positive": 0.5573765497872348,
"topic_name": "Stability",
"negative": 0.44262345021276517,
"reviews": 25500,
"average_rating": 3.4164313725490207,
"topic_id": "stability",
"reviews_percentage": 0.1891004011894786
"positive": 0.39326041811694773,
"topic_name": "General Feedback",
"negative": 0.6067395818830523,
"reviews": 13722,
"average_rating": 4.59983967351698,
"topic_id": "general_feedback",
"reviews_percentage": 0.10175826294596177

Closing up

In this article, we discussed the object table and JSON output of 42 Matters app review analysis for iOS API. The object table lists all the objects available in the API and provides a brief description of each object. The JSON output is a representation of the data returned by the API, including information about an app such as its icon images, average rating, unique identifiers, price, developer name, title, and number of ratings. The topics object in the JSON output also provides a detailed breakdown of reviews for the app, including the average rating and positive and negative reviews for specific topics. This information is useful for developers to understand user feedback and improve their app.


To request access to the 42 Matters app review analysis for iOS API, you can use the third party data marketplace provided by Worldindata. This platform allows you to browse and purchase data from a variety of sources, including the 42 Matters API. Once you have signed up for an account and purchased the desired data, you can access the API and use it to retrieve app review data for iOS apps. The specific steps to follow will depend on the policies and procedures of Worldindata and the particular data package you have purchased. You may need to provide additional information or documentation, and you may be required to adhere to certain terms of use. Please refer to the documentation and support provided by Worldindata for more information on how to request and use the 42 Matters app review analysis for iOS API.