How do the JSON output and object table of movie cast and crew API created by The Movie DB function?

In this article, I will clarify the object table and JSON output of The Movie DB movie cast and crew API. As a programmer, you are likely already familiar with object tables and JSON, but understanding how they apply specifically to this API is essential for effectively working with the data. By delving into the structure of the object table and the formatting of the JSON output, I hope to provide you with a clearer understanding of how to access and use the data in your programming projects.

API Object and Description Table

  1. id: This is a unique identifier for the cast or crew member.

  2. cast: A boolean value that specifies whether the person is a cast member (true) or a crew member (false).

  3. adult: A boolean value that indicates whether the person is over 18 years old (true) or not (false).

  4. gender: An integer value that represents the gender of the person. Possible values are 0 for unknown, 1 for female, and 2 for male.

  5. known_for_department: A string value that specifies the department in which the person is known for their work, such as "Acting" or "Directing".

  6. name: The name of the person.

  7. original_name: The original name of the person, if different from their current name.

  8. popularity: A floating-point value that represents the popularity of the person on The Movie DB.

  9. profile_path: The path to the person's profile picture on The Movie DB.

  10. cast_id: A unique identifier for the cast credit of the person.

  11. character: The name of the character played by the cast member, if applicable.

  12. credit_id: A unique identifier for the credit of the person.

  13. order: An integer value that specifies the order of the person's credit in the cast or crew list.

The information in the table is useful for developers and data analysts who are working with The Movie DB API and need to access information about cast and crew members. By understanding the structure of the object table and the details of each object, they can more effectively parse the JSON output and use the data in their programming projects. For example, the id object can be used to retrieve more information about a specific person, such as their biography or list of credits, while the cast and known_for_department objects can be used to filter results based on the person's role or area of expertise. Overall, a clear understanding of the objects in the table is crucial for anyone working with the API and looking to extract meaningful insights from the data.

Clarifying the JSON Output

The JSON output below represents the cast members of a movie with an ID of 550 on The Movie DB. The id object specifies the ID of the movie. The cast array contains multiple objects, each representing a cast member of the movie. The objects contain information about each cast member, including their id, adult status, gender, known_for_department, name, original_name, popularity, profile_path, cast_id, character, credit_id, and order. These objects provide details such as the cast member's name, their character in the movie, and their popularity rating on The Movie DB. The information in this JSON output can be used by developers and data analysts to gather insights about the cast members of a specific movie, and to display information about them on a website or application.

"id": 550,
"cast": [
"adult": false,
"gender": 2,
"id": 819,
"known_for_department": "Acting",
"name": "Edward Norton",
"original_name": "Edward Norton",
"popularity": 7.861,
"profile_path": "/5XBzD5WuTyVQZeS4VI25z2moMeY.jpg",
"cast_id": 4,
"character": "The Narrator",
"credit_id": "52fe4250c3a36847f80149f3",
"order": 0
"adult": false,
"gender": 2,
"id": 287,
"known_for_department": "Acting",
"name": "Brad Pitt",
"original_name": "Brad Pitt",
"popularity": 20.431,
"profile_path": "/cckcYc2v0yh1tc9QjRelptcOBko.jpg",
"cast_id": 5,
"character": "Tyler Durden",
"credit_id": "52fe4250c3a36847f80149f7",
"order": 1
"adult": false,
"gender": 1,
"id": 1283,
"known_for_department": "Acting",
"name": "Helena Bonham Carter",
"original_name": "Helena Bonham Carter",
"popularity": 14.399,
"profile_path": "/mW1NolxQmPE16Zg6zuWyZlFgOwL.jpg",
"cast_id": 6,
"character": "Marla Singer",
"credit_id": "52fe4250c3a36847f80149fb",
"order": 2
"adult": false,
"gender": 2,
"id": 7470,
"known_for_department": "Acting",
"name": "Meat Loaf",
"original_name": "Meat Loaf",
"popularity": 2.67,
"profile_path": "/k9tJGdMkzOe17YH2ZCQjNnX5YLz.jpg",
"cast_id": 7,
"character": "Robert \"Bob\" Paulson",
"credit_id": "52fe4250c3a36847f80149ff",
"order": 3
"adult": false,
"gender": 2,
"id": 7499,
"known_for_department": "Acting",
"name": "Jared Leto",
"original_name": "Jared Leto",
"popularity": 7.845,
"profile_path": "/ca3x0OfIKbJppZh8S1Alx3GfUZO.jpg",
"cast_id": 30,
"character": "Angel Face",
"credit_id": "52fe4250c3a36847f8014a51",
"order": 4
"adult": false,
"gender": 2,
"id": 7471,
"known_for_department": "Acting",
"name": "Zach Grenier",
"original_name": "Zach Grenier",
"popularity": 2.829,
"profile_path": "/fSyQKZO39sUsqY283GXiScOg3Hi.jpg",
"cast_id": 31,
"character": "Richard Chesler",
"credit_id": "52fe4250c3a36847f8014a55",
"order": 5
"adult": false,
"gender": 2,
"id": 7497,
"known_for_department": "Acting",
"name": "Holt McCallany",
"original_name": "Holt McCallany",
"popularity": 4.303,
"profile_path": "/a5ax2ICLrV6l0T74OSFvzssCQyQ.jpg",
"cast_id": 32,
"character": "The Mechanic",
"credit_id": "52fe4250c3a36847f8014a59",
"order": 6
"adult": false,
"gender": 2,
"id": 7498,
"known_for_department": "Acting",
"name": "Eion Bailey",
"original_name": "Eion Bailey",
"popularity": 5.407,
"profile_path": "/hKqfGq1sPhZdQOlto0bS3igFZdP.jpg",
"cast_id": 33,
"character": "Ricky",
"credit_id": "52fe4250c3a36847f8014a5d",
"order": 7
"adult": false,
"gender": 2,
"id": 7472,
"known_for_department": "Acting",
"name": "Richmond Arquette",
"original_name": "Richmond Arquette",
"popularity": 2.797,
"profile_path": "/qpKZQn71Fwk6Gm1WZHL9IpVmcyO.jpg",
"cast_id": 34,
"character": "Intern",
"credit_id": "52fe4250c3a36847f8014a61",
"order": 8

Closing words

We discussed the object table and JSON output of The Movie DB movie cast and crew API. We started by converting an HTML table to a readable table and then provided detailed descriptions of each object in the table. We also analyzed a sample JSON output and explained the information it contains, such as the cast members of a movie and their details. Understanding the object table and JSON output of The Movie DB API is essential for developers and data analysts who are working with the API and need to extract information about cast and crew members of movies and TV shows. By knowing how to parse the JSON output and use the information in the objects, they can more effectively build applications or generate insights about the movies and TV shows.


Access to The Movie DB movie cast and crew API is available through the third party data marketplace of Worldindata! To request access to the API, you can sign up for an account on their platform and follow their specific procedures for requesting access to the desired API. Typically, this would involve submitting a request and providing some information about your intended use of the API.