Details of the JSON output and object description table of decode morsecode API of Repat

In this article, I will provide a detailed explanation of the object table and JSON output generated by Repat's decode morsecode API. As a programmer, you already understand the concept of an object table and JSON output. However, the specific implementation of these concepts in the context of the Repat decode morsecode API may not be clear to you. Therefore, I will focus solely on clarifying the object table and JSON output generated by this API, without discussing any other aspects such as how to access or use the data. By the end of this article, you should have a clear understanding of the structure and contents of the object table and JSON output that you can expect to receive when using this API.

Object and Description table

plaintextPlain text
morsecodeTranslation of the plain text into morsecode
  • plaintext: This object represents the plain text input that needs to be translated into Morse code. It can contain any alphanumeric character, punctuation, or other symbols that are part of the standard ASCII character set.

  • morsecode: This object represents the output of the translation process where the plain text input is converted into Morse code. Morse code is a character encoding scheme that uses a series of dots, dashes, and spaces to represent letters, numbers, and other characters. The translation process follows the standard Morse code rules, where each letter, number, or symbol is represented by a unique combination of dots and dashes. The output of this object is typically a string of dots and dashes with spaces between the characters, representing the translated Morse code for the given input.

The information in the table is useful because it provides a clear and concise overview of the two main objects that are used in the Repat decode morsecode API. The plaintext object represents the input that needs to be translated, while the morsecode object represents the translated output. Understanding these objects is essential for using the API effectively, as it allows programmers to structure their code in a way that correctly handles and manipulates these objects. Additionally, having this information presented in a table format makes it easy to compare and contrast the objects, providing a clear understanding of the differences and similarities between them. This makes it easier for programmers to develop code that correctly handles the translation process and to troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

Clarifying JSON output

The given JSON output consists of two key-value pairs, "plaintext":"FOO" and "morsecode":"..-. --- ---". The "plaintext" key has a value of "FOO", which represents the input text that needs to be translated. The "morsecode" key has a value of "..-. --- ---", which represents the translated output in Morse code format. In this case, the input text "FOO" has been converted into the Morse code equivalent "..-. --- ---", where each dot represents a short signal and each dash represents a longer signal. The JSON format is commonly used for exchanging data between applications and systems, and the output shown here can be easily consumed by other programs or APIs that need to use the Morse code translation.

"morsecode":"..-. --- ---"

Closing up

In this artticle, we discussed the object table and JSON output of the Repat decode morsecode API. We described the two main objects of the API, plaintext and morsecode, and explained how they are used in the translation process. Additionally, we provided a description of the JSON output, which includes the input text and its Morse code translation. This information is useful for programmers who need to use the API, as it helps them understand the structure and contents of the input and output data. By using this information, programmers can develop more effective and efficient code that correctly handles the translation process and produces accurate results.


It is possible to request access to the Repat decode morsecode API through the third-party data marketplace of Worldindata. Worldindata provides a platform that allows users to access a variety of data sources and APIs, including the Repat decode morsecode API. To request access to this API, users need to create an account on the Worldindata platform and follow the instructions provided to request API access. Once the request is approved, users will be able to use the API to translate plain text into Morse code and vice versa. This can be useful for a variety of applications, such as in the development of communication systems or the creation of tools that analyze Morse code messages.