Details of the JSON output and object description table of airplanes API of Aviation Edge

The Aviation Edge airplanes API provides a wealth of information on aircraft, including data on their performance, specifications, and history. One of the key ways that this data is presented is through the use of an object table, which organizes the information into a structured format that can be easily read and understood. Additionally, the API also supports JSON output, which is a widely-used format for transmitting data over the internet. In this article, I will provide a detailed explanation of the object table and JSON output of the Aviation Edge airplanes API, including how the data is organized and how it can be used to gain insights into the performance and characteristics of aircraft.


airplaneIdAirplane ID in our database
numberRegistrationAirplane authority registration number
productionLineProduction line
airplaneIataTypeAirplane model as IATA code
planeModelAirplane model
modelCodeAirplane model
hexIcaoAirplaneAirplane model as hex ICAO code
codeIataPlaneShortModel IATA code short version
codeIataPlaneLongModel IATA code long version
constructionNumberAirplane construction number
numberTestRegistrationAirplane testing registration number
rolloutDateFirst rollout date
firstFlightFirst flight date
deliveryDateDelivery date
registrationDateRegistration date
lineNumberProduction line number
planeSeriesProduction series
codeIataAirlineIATA code of the owning airline
planeOwnerOwner airline
  1. airplaneId: This is a unique identifier for each airplane in the Aviation Edge database.

  2. numberRegistration: This is the registration number assigned to the airplane by the relevant aviation authority.

  3. productionLine: This refers to the line in which the airplane was manufactured.

  4. airplaneIataType: This is the model of the airplane, represented by an IATA code.

  5. planeModel: This is the model of the airplane, described in text.

  6. modelCode: This is the code used to identify the specific model of the airplane.

  7. hexIcaoAirplane: This is the model of the airplane, represented by a hex ICAO code.

  8. codeIataPlaneShort: This is a short version of the IATA code used to identify the model of the airplane.

  9. codeIataPlaneLong: This is a longer version of the IATA code used to identify the model of the airplane.

  10. constructionNumber: This is the unique construction number assigned to the airplane.

  11. numberTestRegistration: This is the registration number assigned to the airplane for testing purposes.

  12. rolloutDate: This is the date on which the airplane was first rolled out.

  13. firstFlight: This is the date on which the airplane took its first flight.

  14. deliveryDate: This is the date on which the airplane was delivered to its owner.

  15. registrationDate: This is the date on which the airplane was registered.

  16. lineNumber: This is the production line number assigned to the airplane.

  17. planeSeries: This refers to the production series to which the airplane belongs.

  18. codeIataAirline: This is the IATA code of the airline that owns the airplane.

  19. planeOwner: This is the name of the airline that owns the airplane.

The information in the table is useful for those who work in the aviation industry or are interested in aviation data as it provides details about the objects that make up the data of an airplane from Aviation Edge API. It gives a clear understanding of the properties of an airplane in the database, including the airplane's ID, registration number, model, construction number, and dates such as the first flight, delivery, and registration. The IATA codes and the ownership details of the airplane are also included. This information is valuable as it provides a comprehensive overview of an airplane, making it easier to access and utilize the data effectively. By knowing what objects are included in the data, one can filter or manipulate the information according to their needs and make informed decisions.


This JSON output is an array that contains one object. The object has 19 properties, each with a specific value. The properties include information about the airplane, such as its ID, registration number, production line, IATA type, model, hex ICAO code, IATA code, construction number, test registration number, rollout date, first flight date, delivery date, registration date, line number, series, owning airline's IATA code, age, status, and the number and type of engines. The values for each property provide specific details about the airplane. For example, the "airplaneId" is 55, the "numberRegistration" is "HB-JVE", the "firstFlight" date is "1993-05-31T22:00:00.000Z", and the "planeAge" is 24 years old.

"airplaneId": "55",
"numberRegistration": "HB-JVE",
"productionLine": "Fokker 28/70/100",
"airplaneIataType": "F28 MK0100",
"planeModel": "F-100",
"modelCode": "F100",
"hexIcaoAirplane": "4B19EA",
"codeIataPlaneShort": "100",
"codeIataPlaneLong": "F100",
"constructionNumber": "11459",
"numberTestRgistration": "PH-EZD",
"rolloutDate": "0000-00-00",
"firstFlight": "1993-05-31T22:00:00.000Z",
"deliveryDate": "1993-06-29T22:00:00.000Z",
"registrationDate": "2004-05-11T22:00:00.000Z",
"lineNumber": "",
"planeSeries": "",
"codeIataAirline": "2L",
"codeIcaoAirline": "",
"planeOwner": "",
"enginesCount": "2",
"enginesType": "JET",
"planeAge": "24",
"planeStatus": "active",

Closing words

In conclusion, the information provided in this article describes the contents of a JSON output containing information about an airplane. The information includes various attributes such as the airplane's ID, registration number, production line, model, IATA and ICAO codes, construction number, first flight and delivery dates, owner, engine type and count, and current status. Additionally, a table was presented that provides a concise summary of these attributes, with their descriptions. The information is useful for tracking and managing details about a specific airplane and its operational status.


The Aviation Edge airplanes API can be requested through Worldindata's third party data marketplace. Worldindata is a platform that offers access to a wide range of data from different sources, making it an ideal place to find and request access to APIs like Aviation Edge. By utilizing Worldindata, users can easily find and subscribe to the Aviation Edge airplanes API, giving them access to its rich data on airplane information.