Clarification of the JSON output and object table of climate API of Azavea

In this article, I will clarify the object table and JSON output specifically of the Azavea Climate API. As a programmer, you are likely already familiar with the concepts of object tables and JSON output. However, it can be helpful to understand the specific format and structure of these data types within the context of the Azavea Climate API. By the end of this article, you should have a clear understanding of how the Azavea Climate API formats its data in object table and JSON formats, and be able to use this information to integrate climate data into your projects.

Object and Description

  1. city: A city is a human settlement, typically larger than a town or village, that has a name and is recognized by a government or other administrative authority.

  2. id: An ID is a unique identifier assigned to an object or entity to distinguish it from other objects or entities.

  3. type: The type of an object refers to the category or class of the object, such as "city", "town", "village", or "rural area".

  4. geometry: The geometry of an object refers to its physical shape and location in space.

  5. coordinates: The coordinates of an object refer to its location on the Earth's surface, typically expressed as latitude and longitude.

  6. properties: The properties of an object refer to its characteristics, such as its size, shape, color, or other attributes.

  7. datasets: A dataset is a collection of data that is organized and presented in a specific format or structure.

  8. proximity: Proximity refers to the nearness of one object or location to another.

  9. ocean: An ocean is a large body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth's surface.

  10. name: A name is a word or set of words that is used to identify an object or entity.

  11. admin: Admin refers to administrative or governmental functions, such as those performed by a city or county government.

  12. population: Population refers to the number of people living in a particular area or location.

  13. dataset: A dataset is a collection of data that is organized and presented in a specific format or structure.

  14. scenario: A scenario is a hypothetical situation or set of circumstances that is used to model or predict future events.

  15. climate_models: Climate models are computer simulations that are used to predict future changes in the Earth's climate.

  16. variables: A variable is a factor or quantity that can change or be manipulated in a particular situation or experiment.

  17. data: Data refers to the facts, figures, or other information that is used to support or inform a particular analysis or argument.

  18. 2050: 2050 is a year in the future that is often used as a reference point for predicting or modeling future events or trends.

  19. tasmax: Tasmax is a variable that refers to the maximum temperature in a particular location or region.

  20. tasmin: Tasmin is a variable that refers to the minimum temperature in a particular location or region.

  21. etc: "Etc" is an abbreviation for "et cetera", which means "and so on" or "and other things". In this context, it likely refers to additional variables, data, or other objects that are not explicitly listed in the table.

The information in the table is useful because it provides a clear and concise overview of the objects and variables that are included in the Azavea Climate API. By understanding the structure and format of the API's data, programmers and developers can more easily integrate climate data into their projects and applications. For example, the list of objects in the table provides a quick reference for the types of data that are available, such as city names, population figures, and temperature variables. The descriptions of each object also provide context and insight into the types of data that can be accessed and analyzed through the API. Overall, the information in the table serves as a useful reference and starting point for anyone looking to work with climate data in their programming projects.

JSON REST output

The JSON output represents climate data for New York City from the Azavea Climate API. The data is organized into several objects and variables, including the city's ID, type, and location coordinates, as well as information about the datasets, scenarios, climate models, and variables used to generate the data. The data itself is presented in a nested structure under the "data" object, with temperature and precipitation values for the year 2050 shown for the "tasmax", "tasmin", and "pr" variables. The data also includes additional information about the city, such as its name, administrative region, and population, as well as details about the datasets and models used to generate the data. Overall, the JSON output provides a comprehensive set of climate data for New York City that can be used by programmers and developers to analyze and integrate climate data into their projects and applications.

"city": {
"id": 1,
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"datasets": [
"proximity": {
"ocean": true
"name": "New York City",
"admin": "NY",
"population": 8175133
"dataset": "NEX-GDDP",
"scenario": "RCP85",
"climate_models": [
"variables": [
"data": {
"2050": {
"tasmax": [
"tasmin": [
"pr": [


In this article, we discussed the object table and JSON output of the Azavea Climate API. The object table provided a clear list of the objects and variables included in the API, while the JSON output demonstrated how this data is organized and presented in a real-world context. By understanding the structure and format of the API's data, programmers and developers can more easily integrate climate data into their projects and applications. This information is especially valuable given the growing importance of climate data in fields ranging from environmental science to business and policy. Overall, the conversation provides a helpful introduction to the Azavea Climate API and the potential applications of its data in various domains.


It is possible to request access to the Azavea Climate API through the third-party data marketplace of World in Data. To do so, one would need to visit the World in Data website and search for the Azavea Climate API. From there, one may be able to purchase access to the API or submit a request for access. This partnership between Azavea and World in Data provides an additional channel for accessing the valuable climate data provided by the Azavea Climate API. However, I would still recommend checking the Azavea website directly for the most up-to-date and detailed information on how to access their API.